Thursday, November 3, 2011

Pokemon Yellow Flashback: My Pikachu

Hello! I thought I would blog again (about Pokemon, again), since the past two days I have taken back up to play Pokemon LeafGreen (tm). I have taken it back up again just for fun , but now the game has brought meaning back for me, and for one reason at that.

When I was younger and started playing the games (Blue Version), I didn't really know what I was doing. All I knew was that my Pokemon had to be a high level, and moves that said "super effective" were the pick. Now I base things based on levels, stats, natures, the Level I catch them at (remember, I refuse to train anything above 17. If I catch anything above it, I will breed it so I can start fresh), and the type of Pokeball I catch them in. It may seem odd and yes, it does complicate things, but it makes me happy. The only downside is taht it takes me longer to finish games then most.

Playing LeafGreen, though, has been rather retro; I put my name in as 'Steven' (as opposed to Stevie or De Vil now), the name I used when I did first get those games (with the exception of Silver version, it was DANNY when I first got that game, then Stevie with Gold), since I didn't go by Stevie at the time.

Doing so has led to something spectacular, a missing component; I caught a Pikachu again! Of which, I will explain.

I have never, ever really cared for Pikachu. Really. When I first played Blue I avoided catching one for like EVER. Then came Yellow, of which I had to use a Pikachu. Stupid, at first, but eventually the little critter grew on me; always happy when I won, sad when poisoned, there when I needed it. It knew cool moves, too, like Pay Day and Mega Punch; man could my Pikachu kick ass! Eventually I left it in my party and got the rest, keeping Yo-Yo! - the name for it, which I don't remember why- at the highest priority of battle. I don't think there was a battle that Yo-Yo! lost.

Then came Gold/Silver, of which I still didn't care for Pikachu. Actually, to this day, I don't still, due the fact that I've moved on. The last time I did raise one was in Gold/Silver, but that was the same Yo-Yo! of which I raised in Yellow. I transferred Yo-Yo! over so I could travel along with him; only, to my shock, when I did transfer, my Pikachu was a girl! Who would of imagined? Normally, I would have raged since I don't care for female Pokemon unless it's a certain one, but since we shared so many memories, I totally imagined her as a girl and loved her still.

Trading her to Crystal when it came out to keep her by me, Yo-Yo! was super strong and evil. She kept the money rolling in and the punches and bolts flying. Damn she was good! Sadly, after, the battery died, and I lost her, along with my Kingdra I worked so hard for (another I need to raise again someday), Feraligatr and Meganium, and Aerodactyl, not to mention my oh so loving Ninetales I was given by an old friend. I was furious.

Years later, I have never forgotten my dear Yo-Yo! ... and have even tried to raise another Pikachu in her place, kind of like a ghost; super cool moves and the like. Only, I couldn't do it, despite it knowing Volt Tackle (a super cool move, and hard to get), Iron Tail or the like. It all felt wrong and I never knew why. I just scrapped them all and traded them away. I mean, c'mon, a fucking Pikachu with Mega Punch! After multiple Pichu and Pikachu, I have given up. Or, so I thought.

Now play LeafGreen again (for fun), I have selected a Squirtle. I may prefer Bulbasaur, but Squirtle was my first Pokemon to ACTUALLY choose, so I went with him and named him Chance. The trip has gone great and I have made good progress, and even so, a miracle happened; I was walking and I ran into a Pikachu! Now, I would still catch it for Pokedex data, and store it away (still hated them), but this one was different. It spoke to me. So, I caught it and I named her: Yo-Yo! :D

Then I realized what I was doing wrong! All the other Pikachu I raised to be her ghost were BOYS! My Yo-Yo! was a girl! And as strange as it may seem, this Pikachu now seems to me
like it is the same one, coming back to stay with me for good this time <3
Sure, she can't learn Pay Day again, but she can learn other kick ass moves. Like a re-birth. I may sound crazy, but I firmly believe this is my Yo-Yo! from before. Only now, when I beat LeafGreen I can transfer her to my White Version now, keeping her with me so she doesn't vanish anymore.

In conclusion, I have decide that this game of LeafGreen I will treat like I did Yellow version, even if unintentionally I have done so so far; I will keep my old name, I will not worry about Pokeballs or levels, or anything stupid. I will just catch, train and bond, as hard as that will be for me. I will even not worry about super strong moves or egg moves or combos. They will just be awesome. Hey, who knows, maybe I'll even train something at Level 25! Gasp, how stupidly exciting!

All that matters now, though, is that I take Yo-Yo far! Woo!
De Vil, signing out

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Pokemon and Me, Part 1


I'm doing this out of pure fun, but more so to clear out some things in the Fandom that I, myself, need to get straight.

First I will go over my favorite Pokemon that came within each generation. Each time a game has come out (or will) I always look forward to seeing the new Pokemon, not only because they are new monsters to catch, raise, breed and battle, but because there is always one Pokemon I look forward to catching and raising as part of my team (though sometimes I never do).

I'm proud to say that I have been, and still am a loyal fan to series, even if I don't agree with some of the Pokemon they have made. So, let's get to it!

Gen I: (Red, Blue, Yellow)
Favorite: It was the first time that the series came out, so like many other children I had multiple favorites. They varied from Clefairy (mildly), Jigglypuff and Growlithe, all cute
Pokemon. The one that I loved the most, though, and did catch and trained when the series came out (or more so "Rare Candy Trained") was Gyrados.
I know, I know. Some people go "what?" when I tell them this, but yes, Gyrados was my favorite. I remember I even went far, far out of my way to get his card! He is just super cute, not to mention way awesome! I think I trained him in all my games up to Gold/Silver, though I did train him in Ruby as well. Sadly, I haven't used him in some time since I grew up and realized that Pokemon have Attack and Special Attack stats and Gyrados doesn't learn any real 'attack' based moves (not til Gen IV, and even then that kind of wasn't enough)...

Maybe I'll train one again someday, starting from a Magikarp like I always have. Who knows?

Gen II: (Gold, Silver, Crystal)

When Gold and Silver came out I was super excited. I mean, how could I not be? These were the first of many new Pokemon to come, not the same old boring ones that I had been playing with over and over! I remember getting my first glimpse of them in a magazine and seeing their Japanese names... and the first of the few that were 'revealed' where the starters, Dunsparce (lame), Houndour and, of course, my favorite of Gen II, not to mention all Pokemon: Murkrow

I think they have to be the best and most endearing Pokemon that I have ever seen. I mean, c'mon! Look at the little witch hat and broom tail!!! And the fact that they like to lead people into the forest and get them lost (source: PokeDex) is complete madness. I love it!

I think when G/S/C came out I was still somewhat unawares to the fact that a Pokemons stats mattered, so I did use them. They were far in the game, though, so I had my best friend Erik, who luckily had beaten the game catch me one and we traded. I still wish I had that Murkrow to this day, and it might be that sheer fact that I waited to play the game (I got satisfaction by watching my cousins play it) to get him was my first sign of devotion to this silly game of why he might be my favorite. After, though, when Ruby/Sapphire came out is when I think I came to my senses and started noticed the stat factor... and is when I never really used him again until Diamond/Pearl... Can you imagine how happy I was when I saw he had an evolution? WOO-HOO!

So even now, in Black/White he remains my all time favorite, despite his low stats, sucky ability and the fact that he can be taken down as easy as a Caterpie. :D

Gen III: (Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald)

By far my favorite in the series, Ruby and Sapphire added a lot to the games. Sure, the Pokemon looked a bit unoriginal, but an adamant fan I decided to give it a chance. I'm glad I did, too. Not only did I warm up to the Pokemon and games (after all, favorite in the series), but it proved to be the biggest challenge in the games. Maybe it was the fact that I started noticing stats and breeding, but it could of also been abilities and new type match ups that helped me along.

When it came time to pick a starter I hated them all (though now I love them, of course), so after finally choosing Mudkip I wandered til I found a Poochyena. Now, I might add that I didn't "see" any of the Pokemon prior to the game so they were all new to me, and this first Pokemon I ran into helped me finish the game. I instantly fell in love with it and caught it, storing my Mudkip in the PC Box (until much later) and raising the Poochyena. Sure, he wasn't the strongest, but he was cute and learned some good moves (Iron Tail, Shadow Ball)... and to be honest, he helped me out a lot in the Elite Four, one of the most accursed Elite Fours of the games I've faced (I KNOW, RIGHT?! A Mightyena!!).... So, he by far is a favorite to add to any team of mine. If he were in D/P and B/W I would have raised him, too, but hopefully this will be fixed if they remake R/S....

Look at the bugger! AWWW!

Gen IV: (Diamond, Pearl, Platinum)

With Diamond and Pearl near on release I decided to spoil it and look at the Pokemon they had... mind you, I didn't get far because I didn't like most of them, same as R/S... though, in the end obviously they grew on me....

Still, Murkrow was to be in the game, so I figured, "why not?"... not to mention I saw a Pokemon that I decided was my favorite for the series as well. That didn't hurt, did it?

I didn't think so. It also helped that I got him (and Murkrow) super early in the game, so I actually finished Diamond! Woo! Too bad he has a poor move pool, though...

Gen V: (Black, White)

Black and White came out not too long ago and I have barely beaten it... it took me awhile, though, since I had to get accustomed to a lot of things: New Pokemon, New Moves, Stupid Powrerful Foes when you didn't need them as well as weak foes when you wanted a challenge...

I had a lot of Pokemon I loved, though... Sandile, Emboar, Herdier... I mean, I love Woobat and Mincinno!! They are SO cute! One, though, whom I really like most out of the rest will have to be Sawsbuck. I don't really care for the first form, Deerling, but he is a really cool Pokemon. Not only is he one of my favorite types (grass) but he is super cool looking! I mean, he changes with the seasons!

Sadly, I have not raised one yet... they came far too late in the game (I won't raise a Pokemon if I catch it past Level 17)... and by then I had already caught too many Pokemon in my party... In fact, White was more of a "get used to the game" game... I mean, I haven't caught a Woobat, either. Hopefully they will come out with a third version (Yellow, Crystal, Emerald, Platinum)... then I will have a party I actually like, and not one meant to win and kick major ass. Yes, White is just my test dummy.

So, here is to future games! And beyond that I can't wait to see more Pokemon that will be added to the franchise... and I hope it never ends.